Peter S Galbraith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>Nicolás Lichtmaier wrote:
>>  /usr/share/doc/rfc  is much better. You don't need an rfc package for that.
>> Look at the doc-linux-html package...
>Except that a package named doc-rfc will already have files in 
>/usr/share/doc/doc-rfc (copyright and so forth), and so having others in
>/usr/share/doc/rfc is a little weird and unexpected.
>The /usr/(share/)doc/HOWTO hierarchy has a bit of history to it.

Since package names must be all-lower-case, perhaps all-upper-case names
(like the existing /usr/share/doc/{HOWTO,HTML}) could be reserved for
"particularly useful" documentation packages?

Colin Watson                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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