Previously Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
> Consider, if Corel distributes Debian + Their Junk they will want to get
> bug reports for the whole thing not just their packages. Having them
> rebuild all our stuff just to change those fields is not entirely good for
> them - or us.

So they ship a bugreporting tool that always submits stuff to their BTS.

> The same basic argument holds for all commercial users of Debian, they
> will always want bug reports to go to their support staff, not ours.

See above.

> It would be considerably better if there were some way for dpkg to be able
> to store information from the Release file when installing a package, that
> way things like the BTS are tied to the download location, not to the
> person who created the .deb.

dpkg has no access to the Release file.


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