>>"Steve" == Steve Robbins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Steve> I can think of one situation for which this is inconvenient.
 Steve> If I set up a local net full of debian machines, only one of
 Steve> which is running a web server, this change would prevent me
 Steve> from using the web to browse the docs from all the machines
 Steve> but one.

        Umm. Not quite. If the other machines are not running a web
 server, you can't access /usr/doc from them. Perhaps you meant, if
 they were all running web servers, and exporting /usr/doc, you could
 look at whatever is installed from one central location.

 "We want to see three things in the 1988 Republican Party
 Platform... First, a constitutional amendment banning all abortions
 in the United States. Second, increased funding for law enforcement
 and a mandatory death penalty for drug dealers.  Third, LESS
 GOVERNMENT." Speaker at a 1988 Republican Straw Poll in Iowa
Manoj Srivastava   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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