On Fri, 7 Jul 2000, tony mancill wrote: > What if we did this? > /etc/rc.config.d/sendmail.default > /etc/rc.config.d/sendmail > (or /etc/rc.config.d/sendmail.override) > And so on. Always source sendmail.default first, so that we know we have > sane values. If "sendmail" is there, source it too. This way, users can > take a peek at the .default file to see what should in their file, and we > can add important variables at anytime because .default would come with > the package (but *not* be a conffile - users should never modify it). > Anything the user adds configures will be there, and remain there (until a > package purge?).
What about a .../sendmail script, which is not a conffile, wich calls a .../sendmail.user to let it change variables? (I think it depends what users could want to change. ) And if any such thing is implemented, the not-conffile should have important comment saying it is not a conffile. (And a Sentence in policy that this file has to) Hochachtungsvoll, Bernhard R. Link