> copyright - upstream author, location, copyright, license > > README.Debian - anything non-obvious about this package on Debian, > which would include any overall configuration > decisions, FAQ's, etc. A good example is in the > bind package, where I explain the directory schema > I've chosen. If anything substantive other than > "normal packaging" happened, this is where I'd expect > to read about it, not in the copyright file. > > changelog - details of the ongoing struggle to maintain the > package
FWIW, I agree with this layout 100%. It makes sense, even at first glance, which is how the users will see it. -- -----------=======-=-======-=========-----------=====------------=-=------ / Ben Collins -- ...on that fantastic voyage... -- Debian GNU/Linux \ ` [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ' `---=========------=======-------------=-=-----=-===-======-------=--=---'