[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Taketoshi Sano) writes:

> With this consideration, I propose the modification of our policy below.

    [ ... ]

> 2. The Debian Archive
> ---------------------

    [ ... ]

>      In order to avoid to be misconstrued, All the packages
>      in the other sections than _main_ should have notice in
>      `/usr/share/doc/<package>/README.Debian' and should explain
>      the specific reason why the package does not form the _Debian
>      GNU/Linux distribution_.

I have two comments:

(1) While some cases may be clear cut, in other situations, this could
    be a real "pain in the ass."  By "specific reason," what exactly do
    you mean should be documented?  Some packages fail to comply with
    the DFSG in more than one way.  Do you want to document *all* of the
    reasons why the package fails to comply?  Or is it sufficient to
    list *one* reason why it doesn't comply, and leave it at that?

    Furthermore, how much detail is required?  Is it sufficient to list
    which sections of the DFSG the licence does not agree with, or are
    the package maintainers required to include more detail as to *why*
    the package fails each of these sections?

(2) Assuming that we agree how to handle the previous point, I don't
    think that README.Debian is the appropriate place for this
    information.  IIRC, Debian policy does not yet cover a
    README.Debian file, so why should we introduce one now?  I
    think that this information is better placed as a part of
    /usr/share/doc/<pkg>/copyright.  This has two advantages: it doesn't
    introduce a new file, and the package's licence is available in the
    same file for inspection by the user.

- Brian

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