Package: debian-policy
Severity: wishlist

The current policy document describes:

2.2. Priorities

     Each package is given a certain _priority_ value, which is included in
     the package's _control record_.  This information is used in the
     Debian package management tool to separate high-priority packages from
     less-important packages.
          (In a sense everything is optional that isn't required, but
          that's not what is meant here.) This is all the software that you
          might reasonably want to install if you didn't know what it was
          or don't have specialized requirements.  This is a much larger
          system and includes the X Window System, a full TeX distribution,
          and many applications.

          This contains all packages that conflict with others with
          required, important, standard or optional priorities, or are only
          likely to be useful if you already know what they are or have
          specialised requirements.

And some of the current packages in our 'contrib' and 'non-free' area
(thus, which don't form the _Debian GNU/Linux distribution_) have 'optional'
Priority.  The explanation of 'optional' Priority above states that
"This is all the software that you might reasonably want to install if you
didn't know what it was of don't have specialized requirements."

Is it true for extra-Debian (in the meaning of distribution) packages ?

I think that users should know what they uses when they use the packages
in some "extra-Debian" archives (including our "contrib" and "non-free"
section).  The license condition on some packages may require that user
of such software must acknowledge and accept that license it impose.

And I think (as proposed in another wishlist report) we should inform
our users of what is Debian and what is not, much more clearly.

So I propose that all the 'extra-Debian' packages should use extra 
Priority for identification. (maybe better to create and use another
priority, but it requires the modification of dpkg, so I propose what
we can do now.)

  === before modification ===

          This contains all packages that conflict with others with
          required, important, standard or optional priorities, or are only
          likely to be useful if you already know what they are or have
          specialised requirements.

  === after modification ===

          This contains all packages that conflict with others with
          required, important, standard or optional priorities, or are only
          likely to be useful if you already know what they are or have
          specialised requirements.  All the packages do not form the _Debian 
          GNU/Linux distribution_ should use this priority.
  === patch on sgml for this modification ===
--- policy.sgml.orig    Tue Jun 13 10:00:17 2000
+++ policy.sgml.proposed        Tue Jun 13 10:47:17 2000
@@ -580,7 +580,9 @@
                with required, important, standard or optional
                priorities, or are only likely to be useful if you
                already know what they are or have specialised
-               requirements.
+               requirements. All the packages do not form the
+               <em>Debian GNU/Linux distribution</em> should use this 
+               priority.


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