Sorry to intrude, as a non-maintainer | non-expert | no-guru
maybe this is just noise to the list and the topic has been
discussed before and wisely solved, but there's one point I cannot see:
why should having a user-directory spool (as in qmail's Mailbox)
with a link in /var/mail and|or /var/spool/mail be a-political
(non-policy, I mean)? Why should Maildirs be off-policy, just because
qmail is non-free? There's been lively discussion in Bugtraq
between Venema and Berstein about the pros and cons of their mail
systems - has it been considered when writing the Policy?
I shyly, humbly guess that Policy is most of the time over-general but
sometimes it follows too narrowly a specific system (sendmail, for
I'll keep on reading.