> Please stick to the merits of the proposal and don't speculate about my
> motivations. My only intent here is to avoid stamping a faulty design with the
> debian seal of approval by putting it in our policy.
> Having options that are only available from environment variables and not from
> configuration files is a bad idea. It's a lesson that has been learned many
> times in the past and it's why that rule in policy is there. If we're going to
> put this in policy we should do it right.
> Your other example, LANG, is also a bad design, it should have a global
> default in /etc, however there are other reasons that wouldn't work, some
> which stem from bad design choices in POSIX.

 And what are environment variables for? And why are files always better
that an environment variable? I agree with what the policy says, but you are
taking it too far.

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