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>>>>> "Chris" == Chris Waters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


    Chris> The sysadmin is really supposed to stick to /usr/local and
    Chris> /etc (and maybe /opt).  I have to admit that I've been
    Chris> seriously tempted to just silently delete anything in
    Chris> /usr/doc/mypackage that I don't recognize just to teach
    Chris> people not to play with system areas, but I s'pose that's
    Chris> probably mean.  :-)

And it would violate the Golden Rule:  Root Is God.  ;-)

So whatever she does on her system, we should honor it as much as
possible.  Though it should of course be clear to *her* that whatever
she does in parts that are not /etc or /usr/local (or some dir not
specified in FHS), is not guaranteed not to trash her system or be
removed or otherwise broken whenever Debian feels like it.

Golden Rule (rev.): Root Is God... But The Distribution Is A Higher
Good!  ;-))

Bye, J

- -- 
Jürgen A. Erhard      eMail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]      phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
         My WebHome: http://members.tripod.com/~Juergen_Erhard
                    "Ever wonder why the SAME PEOPLE
      make up ALL the conspiracy theories?" -- Michael K. Johnson
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