On Tue, Oct 19, 1999 at 01:01:26PM +0100, Julian Gilbey wrote:
> I've just been looking at Contents-i386 to get an idea of where
> bitmaps and pixmaps are currently stored so that I can set up the new
> system.fvwm2rc file correctly, and I found a mess.  The locations of
> public (as opposed to application-specific) bitmaps and pixmaps are
> currently:
> bitmaps: /usr/X11R6/include/bitmaps
                This is wrong.

>          /usr/X11R6/include/X11/bitmaps
                This is correct.

> pixmaps: /usr/X11R6/include/X11/pixmaps
                This is correct.

>          /usr/share/pixmaps
                This is wrong.

> Is there any reason why we can't try to standardise the choice of
> location?  I've brought this topic up before, but hadn't noticed the
> bitmaps situation at the time.

I think we should standardize around /usr/include/X11/{bitmap,pixmap}.

/usr/include/X11 is currently a symlink to /usr/X11R6/include/X11.

Packages should install files in the latter path and refer to the former.

G. Branden Robinson              |           You live and learn.
Debian GNU/Linux                 |           Or you don't live long.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           |           -- Robert Heinlein
cartoon.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |

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