Anthony Towns <> wrote:
> ] 2.1.3. The contrib section
> ] --------------------------
> ] 
> ]      Every package in "contrib" must comply with the DFSG.
> ] 
> ]      Examples of packages which would be included in "contrib" are
> ]         * free packages which require "contrib", "non-free", or "non-US"
> ]           packages or packages which are not in our archive at all for
> ]           compilation or execution, and
> ]         * wrapper packages or other sorts of free accessories for non-free
> ]           programs.
> That is, that the only consideration about whether a package should be
> added to main, contrib or non-free be its licensing terms.
> Packages that are `too buggy to support' or `fail to meet policy
> requirements in a serious way' should either be fixed (ideally), or not
> included in Debian at all.

I second this.

I consume, therefore I am

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