In my opinion, yes. All debian packages with executables should have as many man pages as there are executables. That's policy. In my opinion, all file formats introduced by a package should have a man page in section 5 which completely describes the format.
Write the man page with a description and pointers to other sources of documentation which you should probably get and include in the package, if the license for that documentation allows distribution. If there is some other way of getting help, make sure they know that and know how to get to it. If there is no documentation and no other help, this is a bug. (this is not the case, is it?) If there is already lots of ways to get help, list them in the man page, and you have less to write. if there aren't so many, list those that exist and fill in the holes in the information as you see them, and listen to users of your app as well, because the answers to the questions they ask might be material to go into the documentation. In your situation, there is or may be other sources of info, and if there are, then your man page only need describe, refer, and list files, bugs and authors. But if there is no other source of info, then you have to provide it. General opinions meant for the policy list: The man pages in a package are essential because debian is a flavor of unix. When looking at a unix command -- which is what we all package -- the man page is often the only thing that exists, and this kind of man page has to be comprehensive, trying to catch every nuance. In my case and in the case of other developers and users, man <executableName> is the very first thing I type after installing whichever package. I find it frustrating when there is no man page, because then I have to go to the (known to be useless in most cases) /usr/doc heirarchy. This is use- less because there is normally not much but a copyright file. I found the copyright file to be useful I think exactly once. I have hoped tho, in the useless cases, that my final try of looking at the copyright file would yield more sources of docs or maybe the author's page covering the package. It was a last-chance try for something useful, so I tried it... -Jim --- Jim Lynch Finger for pgp key as Laney College CIS admin: [EMAIL PROTECTED] as Debian developer: [EMAIL PROTECTED]