This message is being sent primarily to the debian-policy mailing
list, with a carbon-copy to another low-traffic list; I've set a
reply-to to the policy list and myself, but don't know if it will

I write to you as someone who wants to tell you what I wish to see in
a Debian distribution who is seriously considering a switch as a user
from RedHat (due to a lack of reponsiveness).  First off, I am
concerned that the current stable release uses a kernel quite a few
years old: for stability, that is great, and should continue to be
supported for that reason, however it is a sorry state of affairs for
those of us who have been working for 4+ years on capabilities in the
kernel that are finally now released and we expect to start seeing
widespread acceptance, application development and implementation of
(e.g., IPv6, standarized threads, etc.).

As I have not inputted this into the Debian beaurecratic machine that
I see mentioned at and, I hereby request that you, where "you" is
those of you who are able to do so, please do so where appropriate to
further these concerns.

1.  Fully switch to FHS 2.0 ( by the next
    freeze date.

    * I converted my system from an old 1994 Slackware distribution to
      FSSTND by hand, and that took about one full (hacker's) day.  It
      saved me more than quadruple that amount of time in future
      incompatibilities due to filesystem differences: sticking to a
      standard really helps in this case.  I was annoyed by FSSTND's
      lack of heterogeneous environment support, however.
    * I was annoyed to see FSSTND change names to FHS and change, but as
      soon as I cracked FHS open, my annoyance flittered away for the
      most part (exception being the odd names of everything and lack
      of aggression to fix those crazy names, but a standard is a
      standard and that is definitely what counts); I was happy to see
      that most of it centered around two important things: refinement
      and the new ability to handle heterogeneous environments, my
      chief complaint of the FSSTND which otherwise served me very
      well.  Of course, I was sold immediately, and converted to FHS
      2.0 immediately.  This also took almost a day.  I have since
      encountered no problems, am very happy with FHS 2.0, and
      advocate its adoption by everyone at this time ("immediately").

    It is definitely my opinion that the idea of FHS/FSSTND is good,
    the specific standards are good, and going with FHS 2.0 is the
    right way to go.  It should be in the next release.  It saves that
    much time to do it; I mean, the time put into it will be rewarded
    by less time maintaining it later on.  I recommend an intent of
    and attempt at "full" FHS compliance, but would (begrudgingly)
    accept a few lingering fixups that will wait until the following
    stable release.  FHS 2.0 already isn't a pie-in-the-sky perfect
    holy sacrament; therefore not doing it exactly would be ridiculous
    (I could hardly stand *two* unholy variations of an imagined
    perfect theme!!!).

    Hint: when you send configuration patches to package maintainers
    nonspecific to Debian, please say something to the effect of ``The
    directory and file paths in the Debian/Linux configuration for
    this package have been upgraded from FSSTND 1.2 (or whatever it
    was) to FHS 2.0; please see FHS 2.0 at
    for details on FHS'', in case some other package developer or
    maintainer is still running a FSSTND system (so as to prevent
    upgrade loops).
2.  Get a Linux 2.2 kernel and GLIBC 2.1 based distribution out soon.

    A freeze date of September 1st has been proposed.  Waiting for the 
    Perl upgrades has been proposed.  FHS is the only other thing.  I
    propose that a freeze on everything besides FHS issues happen so
    that we may concentrate on FHS-izing everything; it's kind of a
    flag-day item, anyway, so this is OK to do it like this.  Then, a
    freeze of the FHS stuff can finally happen, and a release worked

    Those good-feeling release dates that make us more media-savvy --
    sorry, I cannot promise that.  But it does make sense to get
    something out which has a current stable kernel version in it

3.  On a minor note, I find the "ip" program written by Alexey Kuznetsov
    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> available at
    which replaces the "ifconfig" and "route" commands to be very well
    written in terms of usability and consistency, and recommend it to
    everyone who uses Linux 2.2+ and to the Debian distribution in
    general; I have not actually cracked open Potato so do not know
    the status of "ip" and the old "ifconfig"/"route" crap.

    Above other things, "ip" understands IPv6; "ifconfig" and "route"
    have many versions which do not: administratively, this
    trivializes the concept that the new and improved "ip" program
    (more stable, easier to use, more consistent, and more capable)
    will of course support IPv6 whereas the others are ``good luck,
    you'll need it''.  In both cases, you need to compile properly to
    get IPv6 functionality.  This brings me to my next paragraph.

    To repeat, replace "ifconfig" and "route" with "ip" in
    administrative utilities, initialization scripts, etc.  I
    recommend that "ip" be *included* and *supported* by the next
    release (but not (necessarily) the initscripts, etc.), with the
    scripts switched over to using "ip" by the *following* release, if
    the next release is to come soon (i.e., less than two months);
    otherwise, to *very strongly* consider switching to "ip" in all
    initscripts, etc. by the next release completely.

4.  I recommend the following time-release plan for IPv6 support:

    Here I work under the assumptions that IPv6 is not supported at
    this time by Debian (OOTB) and that a good plan for it does not
    exist; assumtions that may be woefully wrong since I have not
    actually looked; please interpolate as appropriate.

    IANA is now assigning IPv6 IP numbers (and consequently the
    regionals).  It is now the time for IPv6 to ramp up.  While the
    task of *fully* IPv6ifying Debian may be daunting and too large a
    chore for the very next stable release, I do recommend that at the
    very least the core-core-core packages be compiled with IPv6
    enabled so that the progression to a Debian distribution with IPv6
    is much, much easier due to the incremental nature of something as
    large as this type of upgrade.

    What this means specifically is that the kernel (v2.2) and the
    "ip" utility be compiled with IPv6 support compiled in (that is
    only two packages and trivial to do by a freeze date even less
    than a month away; I think it's ok to do IPv6 as a module in the
    kernel).  Other packages with IPv6 support can come in at the
    speed that they make it naturally.  So, under the assumption that
    the next release will not be fully IPv6 ready, it can be
    considered a semi-IPv6 release (kernel & "ip" program), with some
    document somewhere describing what is and what is not yet IPv6,
    with a future release down the road sometime being a full IPv6

    If this is done on a slow-track, I recommend next stable release
    have kernel and "ip" utility with IPv6 compiled in; following
    release have most of the *simple* upgrades, such as those packages
    which already have IPv6 versions but just haven't been put into
    the Debian distribution until this prodding came up to do so
    (examples are some of the basic utilities such as ping,
    traceroute, etc., and, for backward compatability, the IPv6
    enabled versions of "route" and "ifconfig" despite how much I hate
    them, as well as some of the larger packages such as Sendmail,
    FTP, Apache, DNS, etc. which have already had IPv6 upgrades
    applied to them in various places).  Finally, a third stable
    release in the future can be considered a fully IPv6 enabled
    release, where every package is tested to work well on an IPv6
    network; this is more involved, but the incremental nature of this
    IPv6 compliance I propose should severely reduce the amount of
    work involved in such a final test.  Also, by that time,
    environments where this testing can actually take place will be
    more plentiful by then (until the development of the third stable
    release begins, some of us may still be "in the dark").  I think
    this is a reasonable expectation for the Debian project.

Thank you for your attention.  Please cc: to me as I sometimes don't
track the mailing lists.

Brad Allen

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