On Wed, Aug 04, 1999 at 10:47:54AM +0200, Ruud de Rooij wrote:
> > If base-files' postinst will always be run before the postinst for a MTA
> > depending on it, then a pre-dep is not needed.  It was my understanding
> > that dpkg could get confused this way and run things in the wrong order.
> > If we can be sure of this and it is guaranteed to be so, a pre-dep is not
> > needed.
> >From the Packaging manual, section 8.2:
>      Thus `Depends' allows package maintainers to impose an order in which
>      packages should be configured.
>      `dpkg' will not configure packages whose dependencies aren't
>      satisfied.
> If dpkg does run postinsts in the wrong order, then we might just as well 
> turn all depends fields into pre-depends.

Okay, you're right.  See what all this arguing does to one's brain?
Depends it is, since Pre-depends is clearly not needed.

Joseph Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>             Debian GNU/Linux developer
GnuPG: 2048g/3F9C2A43 - 20F6 2261 F185 7A3E 79FC  44F9 8FF7 D7A3 DCF9 DAB3
PGP 2.6: 2048R/50BDA0ED - E8 D6 84 81 E3 A8 BB 77  8E E2 29 96 C9 44 5F BE
acme-cannon (3.1415) unstable; urgency=low

  * Added safety to prevent operator dismemberment, closes: bug #98765,
    bug #98713, #98714.
  * Added manpage. closes: #98725.

  -- Wile E. Coyote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Sun, 31 Jan 1999 07:49:57 -0600

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