First of all, I must say that I did not follow the threads about
/usr/share/doc, so I may say things which were already said. please
forgive me for that.

My very personal opinion about all this, is that we need more
abstraction : packages _should_not_ hardcode installation paths. I
think that it should be an option that the sysadmin should be able to
change anytime, without having to rebuild all packages. 

Instead of saying "this file must go in /usr/doc", a package should
say "this file is a documentation file". The installation program
(dpkg for instance) would then know what to do with "documentation

This has the obvious advantage that in case a standard change, no
package is to be changed. Except maybe a package which defines where
to put files. And different sysadmins can very easily put files at
different places, according to their preferences. 

What do you think ?

Laurent Martelli

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