On 04-Jul-99, 05:32 (CDT), Roland Rosenfeld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Because Debian is the distribution, where the user can upgrade or keep
> every single package without any drawbacks.

Who says that? Agreed, users should not be forced to upgrade
unnecessarily, nor accross-the-board, and we should make that as
painlesl *as reasonably feasible*. But "without any drawbacks" is way
to strong a statement, one I don't think we've made, and one that is
impossible to accomplish. When we add/change a feature, we should
*attempt* to minimize the pain, but it is not unreasonable to expect
people to upgrade the affected packages to take advantage of that

> So we cannot expect the user to upgrade every package from one stable
> to the next stable.

Yes, but then the user shouldn't expect to have all the "benefits" of
the next stable release, such as full FHS compliance.

> But with some packages in /usr/doc and others in /usr/share/doc we
> need some way for the user to quickly find the correct directory for a 
> special package.

ls -l /usr/doc/<package>
ls -l /usr/share/doc/<package>

> That's the point. So tell me how the user can find out where the
> documentation for package xy is located without checking two
> directories (which is annoying)?

Life's annoying. Or perhaps

if [ -d /usr/doc/$1 ] ; then
        cd /usr/doc/$1
elif [ -d /usr/share/doc/$1 ] ; then
        cd /usr/share/doc/$1
        echo "No documentation directory found for package $1"

accompanied by 'alias finddoc=". ~/bin/finddoc".


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