Saluton, Hello, Jó napot! The debian menus currently currently only exist in english, "en da's niet goed" (that's not good, Ott nem jó, Tio malbonas).
Below I describe how I propose to change this. At the end of this message I briefly discuss the gnome/kde approach, and why I really like to make menu compatible with their format, but not use their translations. ############# What I propose is that update-menus simply learns the dutch, german, whatever translations for "Apps", "Editors", "The Gimp", "X Window Snapshot", and so on. These translations would be provided in a form similar/identical to the already used i18n format. The French translations would be provided by a menu-fr.deb package, the Dutch translations by menu-du.deb, etc. This may seem strange at first, as now the gimp package has no control over how the menu-entry looks in german. It might at first sight be much better to put in the menu entry file for the gimp all translations of "The Gimp" in however many languages we want to support. The downside of this, is that it simply doesn't work in Debian. The maintainer of the gimp surely doens't know the translations of "The Gimp" in Dutch, Turkish, Japanise, Esperanto, whatever. Somewhere in Turkey there may be somone who is really good at translating all english titles into turkish, but s/he will have a very hard time convincing all 500+ package maintainers to include his/her translation into the package. And, a week later someone in Bulgaria wakes up, and sends 500+ discriptions to 500+ maintainers, asking them to include that. Well, you see, with about 6000 languages on this earth, the maintainers are going to have a hard time. That is why I propose that the package maintainers simply don't do anything about the languages, but simply upload their packages with menu entry files in them. Then some deamon on master scans all menu entry files in the distribution, and creates a file with all english words/phrases that should be translated. This file can be put somewhere on the web, and then this the translators simply gets that file, translate the 500+ entries in it, and create a menu-tr.deb (menu-de.deb, etc) package, and uploads that. Then, the users that want turkish systems simply install menu-tr.deb package, set the appropriate LC_* variables, and update-menus does what it should do. This approach has the advantages that - It actually works. Forceing 500+ package maintainers to include the world's 6000+ languages into their menu entry files is really never going to work. - It makes things easy for both the maintainer of the packages with the menu entry files (they do nothing), and for the translators (they don't need to get the to-be-translated words and phrases from all kinds of packages, and send the results to many different package maintainers). - It allows users to select what languages to install, so they don't have to buy extra harddisks because each menu entry file now is 0.5 M big (5000 languages, 100 chars per language). Note that the file with the `to-be-translated' phrases in them should not just have entries like Apps The Gimp X Window Snapshot as that will not allow the translators to really see what "Apps" or "The Gimp" is. Rather, for each to be translated item, there should be info on what package it came from (to allow the translator to investigate further), and if present the "description" from the menu entry file the string came from. Maybe more. But we can discuss that later. Also note that there probably aught to be different files for main and non-free. And thus also menu-nonfree-fr.deb with the translations for the non-free section. I assume the translations should be put somewhere into /usr/share/local/fr/LC_MESSAGES/ (or menu-translate-non-free) Summary: - package maintainers do nothing (appart from maintaining:) - translators get those `to-be-translated' files, translate the words/phrases in them upload the menu-??.deb pacakges. - The users install the menu-??.deb packages for whatever language they like or don't like. - If there are no big objections (only minor points) I'd like to start working on menu very soon. (should be a working version within 2 weeks after I started). Postnote: Why would we do this only for menu? There may well be other packages that would like to have the same `debian-wide' translation support. Maybe we shouldn't call the packages "menu-fr.deb", but "translate-fr.deb", or whatever. ############## Gnome/KDE menu's When the translating of menus comes up, gnome/kde automatically also come up as they already have translations. So, why not use those? Well, for the above mentioned reasons: "cross-package" communication is pour to say the least in debian, and there is no way we are going to support many languages if every change has to go through the maintainers. And it's very tough on the translators, as they have to communicate with many different maintainers. So, I say that using the translation support from gnome/kde's menu entry files is not the right way in Debian. However, that doesn't mean we shouldn't move to gnome/kde-format menu entry files. They are basically already very close to what we have now, and I'm very tempted to simply add support for them to update-menus so that update-menus can read both formats. What way we go after that debian-policy has to decide. ############## Any opinions? If there is noone saying this is a realy bad approach, I'd like to start working on this really soon now. Thanks, joostje -- joostje