On Tue, 15 Jun 1999, Roland Rosenfeld wrote: > > what do we gain by making a symlink to undocumented(7), > > The symlink is there for information to the user, that he doesn't need > to provide a bug report, because this bug is already known (that's the > intension of undocumented(7), as you can read in this man page as well > as in the policy.
The symlink causes a stupid manpage to show up saying that there is no manpage. I would prefer if man would simply say there is no manpage. The fact that there is already a bug filed is evident from the BTS. Why put a symlink to undocumented into the package? Sometimes I check for documentation by doing a dpkg -L. I see a manpage for a certain command and do a "man xxx". Result is a "undocumented" manpage. Very irritating. It would have saved some effort if there simply were no manpage.