Brock Rozen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I will vote AGAINST this proposal. It's certainly my right [...]

No, if you're not a member of the project, your input is welcome, if
it's sensible, but you don't get a vote, so it's *not* "certainly"
your right.

In this case, your input is not sensible -- we have dozens of editors
that *are* part of Debian (ee, fte, gedit, gxedit, jed, joe, jove, le,
sex, sam, etc. etc.).  Why should pico, which is *not* part of Debian,
be singled out for special treatment, and all these others left out?
So not only do you not get a vote, but your input shall be ignored.

Chris Waters   [EMAIL PROTECTED] | I have a truly elegant proof of the
      or    [EMAIL PROTECTED] | above, but it is too long to fit into     | this .signature file.

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