On Fri, Jun 04, 1999 at 04:29:26PM +0100, Oliver Elphick wrote:
> bible-kjv-text is the data, bible-kjv the program.
> bible-kjv could theoretically handle any text in the same way as the bible,
> but no other text has been formatted for it to work on.
If were as strict as Brandon says... it's up to the package maintainer... 
if he wants to "Depend:" bible-kjv on bible-kjv-text, they go into data.
If bible-kjv only "Recommends:" or less it can go in to main with the data
in data.

> verse doesn't use bible-kjv-text for its source, but a compilation of
> quotes that its original author put together.  It is actually a rather
> small package, with a 38Kb deb, including the verses.  It's on a par
> with, say, fortune.  I don't think it really fits the purpose of data.
If verse doesn't depend on a seperate data package... then it goes into

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