On Tue, Jun 01, 1999 at 12:41:41PM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> Hi,
>         More than a year ago, Ian posted these rules governing
>  disputes about bug reports. I found these acceptable, though I am
>  somewhat leery of making thse _policy_.  I would be happier if these
>  were put together in a document which is, like the developers
>  reference, a document meant to be followed, though not necesarily
>  part of policy. 
>         If we adopt these rules, and they work well for us, we could
>  at a later time adopt them into policy, if we so desire. I would
>  hesitate to adopt them into policy without a probationary period.
>        manoj

> 2. If the submitter (or anyone else) disagrees they should try to
> resolve it by email with the maintainer and/or by discussion on this
> list.  During this period the submitter may choose to reopen the bug
> (and mark it unforwarded if necessary) and reassign it to
> `debian-policy'.
I would not reassign it to -policy.  Leave it assigned to the package
during this phase.

> 2. A bug is still a bug if the upstream authors are aware of it - even
> if the upstream authors disagree that it is a bug.  Bugs of which the
> upstream authors have been made aware (whether they disagreed with the
> report or not) can be marked `forwarded' but should not be closed.
> The package maintainer need not mark such a bug as forwarded - for
> example, they may intend to fix it themselves.
I also disagree with this.  If a the upstream author is saying that the
software is functioning as designed, it is not a bug.  It becomse a
misfeature aka wishlist.

Please cc all mailing list replies to me, also.
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* Debian Developer, Debian Project Secretary, Debian Webmaster          *

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