Package: debian-policy 
Severity: wishlist 
             A better way to configure debian systems 
- Allow for automatic, non-interactive installation 
- Variable amount of questions depending on the users experience 
- Questions can be host specific, architecture specific or unspecific 
- All questions use the same look&feel 
- Various interfaces can be implemented easily 
- All questions have a default and help text available 
- Localisation of questions and helptext 
- Don't break existing packages 
- Create configuration for a different system on another system 
- Browse through a configuration, alter single options or undo changes 
- Allow users to configure packages that have user configurable files. 
  (like their windowmanager) 
- Create logfiles for all actions taken, if wanted 
The following files can be included in control.tar.gz when needed by a 
configure               bash script with restricted syntax (see below) 
configure.set_var       program to save config values to the configfile 
configure.get_var       program to read config values from the configfile 
configure.variables     variables to set configfile names and other flags 
configure.<lang>        localisation for questions and help text 
The configure script must be a bash script, but not everything allowed 
in bash is allowed there. Especially read is forbidden.  The idea is 
similar to the method used for the kernel configuration. 
"if then else fi" constructs are allowed and recomended. The test 
expression for the if must be a simple comparison between a variable 
and a value.  Later on for or while loops will be allowed, but not 
now. The exact specifications for the configure script and verificator 
of the syntax will be provided with dpkg-question and is not part of 
this proposal. 
dpkg must call dpkg-configure when a package has an configure script 
in control.tar.gz. Until dpkg is changed or if dpkg is left unchanged,  
postinst script should call dpkg-configure themself. 
Policy should state that post/pre-inst/rm must not do any interactions 
with the user. Neither may they configure the package, apart from 
calling dpkg-configure. This is neccessary to do preconfiguration or 
postconfiguration of a system and to capsulate the configuration part 
All interactions and configuration must be in the configure script 
provided by the package in the control.tar.gz. 
All interactions with the user must use the dpkg-question interface. 
All evaluations, calculations or tests needed to detect question 
dependencies or reasonable defaults must be encapsulated by 
dpkg-test. dpkg-test may not alter anything on the current system, 
since the configuration might be done on a different system and then 
be transfered to the system to be installed. 
All interactions with the installed system must be encapsulated by 
dpkg-exec. The configure script might not rely on any results from 
dpkg-exec, since for configuration interfaces dpkg-exec will not be 
executed and will allways pretend to work. 
dpkg-question           Interface to the user. Alternatively this 
                        reads from a databse or takes the defaults. 
                        Code exists. 
dpkg-test               Simple wraper script to evaluate some shell 
                        Code exists. 
dpkg-exec               Same script than above, but it might alter the  
                        current system. 
                        Code exists. 
dpkg-configure          This script handles the various overloads done  
                        by the package, the config interface or the 
                        user. It replaces dpkg-question with different  
                        scripts when needed or set enviroment 
                        variables. Currently it just calls configure. 
                        Code exists. 
dpkg-hook               Handles interactions between packages, like 
                        running menu every time some package changes 
                        its menu. Its not yet implemented and might 
                        need some small alterations to dpkg. 
                        A dumb script providing most features of 
                        dpkg-hook and probably all we need at start is 
                        easily written, just call dpkg-configure for 
                        the package the hook is for. 
dpkg-question-whiptail  Replace the dpkg-question with one that uses 
                        whiptail to interact with the user. Its a bit 
                        nice than the plain one, but starts a new 
                        dialog for each question. 
                        Under developement. 
dpkg-menu-whiptail      Parse configure files of all packages to 
                        generate on screen menus. 
                        Under developement. 
dpkg-menu-java          Parse configure files an present a java driven  
                        X gui. 
May the Source be with you. 
                        Goswin Brederlow 
PS: A debian package including the first releas of the above tools is 
available from* 
Its a very alpha release but useable with the qvwm package provided 
in the same place.
-- System Information 
Debian Release: potato 
Kernel Version: Linux rut 2.0.35 #4 Thu Nov 26 15:35:03 CET 1998 i686 unknown 

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