> I doubt the usefullness (dpkg is no backup system). But I will not object.
> Indeed, I see some usefulness, but I want to know more about the drawbacks:
> How do you want to verify the sums (using cruft, maybe?). How long will it
> need to check the whole fs, how much disk space will the md5sums occupy. How
> do you want to store them?
After some file system crash or any other seasons I'd like to check
which files are corrupted, i.e. by 'debsums' tool.

Maybe dpkg should have own verification system? As I known RPM can verify
its package database.

For now this system seems to be useless because some Debian packages have 
md5sums file, some others doesn't.

IMHO we should use this system for all packager or completly forget about it.


Piotr "Dexter" Roszatycki

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