>>>>> "Manoj" == Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Manoj> Unfortunately, we do not live in a world where all software Manoj> is free. Neither are all protocols. Sometimes, some Manoj> communication protocols gain popularity with the masses Manoj> that have no free implementations. We freed software (and tuition)! I want to WRITE protocols, not just steal them from GNU and shrink wrap them binary-only ported to the wonder$ of new and improved MT service pack v199.200.1 for only $29.99 a copy on a 50 cent CD. Manoj> Imagine when a group of people say "Hey, call us using Manoj> foo-grubble, and we can have a neat game". And we have to Manoj> say, sorry, no can do, I use linux, and I am unable to do Manoj> that. Sorry, I'm too into Linux to waste my time playing foo-grubble Y2K brand sex scandal chat with a bunch of AOL'ers on windoze pay'n. I don't even have time for Internet phi-ed. Besides, who's got $199.20 to spend on a foo-grubble Y2K brand sex scandal chat client anyway? Or time to use a freed one with code to read! I'd much rather watch a program... I can't even afford tuition and rent, and the world's about to end because somebody "flamed me" in an email about saying "blah" about non-free "foof" in a public forum! And there was typos too. Manoj> At that point, the impression is that we are running a less Manoj> capable system. Hmmm. A non-cognostatic impression of foo-grubble inadequacies amoung %99.9 of egg-sitting penguins? My lored! Reinstall! Reboot! Run down to egghead! Tell those overqualified hippies to send us another GD espresso java service pack, STAT! Change the advertisements under my icey cage! Bread and circuses! More! Better! Faster! Good enough! Sell it! (not (english "We need lotz more quake attack drive the droid VR games around here too. <cigar slides to other side of mouth> A war overseas isn't REAL enough! Let's make robocarbombs like REAL warboughten flatbrow pseudo engineers! We'll drive them around in pretend-it's-really VR and blow up things on live TV, dude!")) ==> Yow! Like totaly Back in Black, ya 2 know? If I disappear, you'll all know why. Karl M. Hegbloom (Private citizen living in USA) I live on $550.00 a month.