Hello, there is a small problem with dpkg-architecture nobody seems to have noticed before.
"make" does by default override environment variables, unless the option "-e" is given. For this, dpkg-cross sets MAKEFLAGS="-e". In my proposal I assumed that "-e" is the default, but I was wrong. The reason I didn't notice earlier is 1) that I use dpkg-cross, 2) my test cases did not cover this. There are three solutions to this problem, I hope you help me to decide on the best one: 1) Make "-e" the default. 1.a) Packages that support dpkg-architecture specify "-e" at the top of debian/rules. [IMHO: This is bad because it forces many files to change] 1.b) Specify "MAKEFLAGS=-e" in dpkg-buildpackage. Note: make documentation does not recommend -e to be the default. 1.c) dpkg-architecture defaults to set not only the arch env variables, but also MAKEFLAGS += -e 2) Don't make "-e" the default. We can avoid this by testing the definition in the packages: ifndef DEB_HOST_ARCH DEB_HOST_ARCH := ${DEB_BUILD_ARCH} endif etc. Pro: Principle of least surprise is fulfilled. Affects only small part of the build system. Contra: Three times more lines (a check for each arch variable used). Many files have to be changed. One good thing is that maintainers can choose between 1.a and 2 if we don't go for 1.b and 1.c If we go for 1.b and 1.c, the side effects could be critical. Therefore I suggest to document 1.a and 2 in the dpkg-architecture documentation and let the maintainer make the individual decision. Please give me some input on this. Thanks, Marcus -- `Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.' Debian http://www.debian.org finger brinkmd@ Marcus Brinkmann GNU http://www.gnu.org master.debian.org [EMAIL PROTECTED] for public PGP Key http://homepage.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Marcus.Brinkmann/ PGP Key ID 36E7CD09