On Mon, May 03, 1999 at 04:14:09PM -0700, Joseph Carter wrote:
> > b) at some stage there was documentation for motif, but no lesstif.
> >    Would motif linked programs have been suitable for main because it
> >    was a documented protocol which one could replace?
> No, linking isn't the same as connecting to a server IMO.

Pure evasion.

You are using the existence of documentation for a protocol that has no de
facto free implementation as justification for a program's inclusion in
main, IF policy were such that it would be excluded because of the
non-existence of that de facto free implementation.

You must, to be consistent, also use the existence of documentation for a
library that has no de facto free implementation as justification for a
program's inclusion in main, IF policy were such that it would be excluded
because of the non-existence of that de facto free implementation (and
historically, this has in fact been the policy).

G. Branden Robinson              |
Debian GNU/Linux                 |   Exercise your freedom of religion.  Set
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           |   fire to a church of your choice.
cartoon.ecn.purdue.edu/~branden/ |

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