(Hate to screw up your threading, guys, but I seem to be missing a message.)
"Edward" == Edward Betts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Edward> So IRC and AOL are free clients, non-free servers with no
Edward> free alternatives, can we do the same with file formats?
Hmm, a comment and a couple of questions for those in the know:

1. How good does a server need to be to qualify for contrib->main?  Can it
   be non-working but close, mostly working, absolute 100%?  Can it be of
   unknown compatablity (because spec is non-free; guessed from tcpdumping)?
   Where, exactly, is the line?  It seems to me that the only sensable place
   to draw the line is nowhere (IE not care about server-side), as there is
   no other discrenable place to put the line.
2. Can the server be unpackaged?

There is a highly expermental OSCAR server available, and as I maintain an
AIM clone (upstream and just took maintainership, not packaged yet), I'm
quite interested in this discussion.  (Although it's somwhat moot, as the
author of that server has no explicit licence with the server, and has
dissapeared -- or at least his domain and thus the email I have for him are

        -=- James Mastros
"They are never alone that are accompanied by a nobel thoughts."
        -=- Written on the US Library of Congress
cat /dev/urandom|james --insane=yes > http://www.rtweb.net/theorb/
ICQ: 1293899                   AIM: theorbtwo                  YPager: theorbtwo

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