In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you write: >Users' $PATH is set in different places: /etc/profile, /etc/login.defs >and different programs (login, ssh) read it from different files. >Should we estabilish a policy on this issue?
Not to mention different shells use different files (eg zsh doesn't use /etc/profile). In the past I have seen a proposal for /etc/environment. I would really like it if you could setup any environment variable here (that can then be overriden by the users startup file). That way I can also set MAIL, MAILDIR, and MAILTMP to good values for my Qmail setup as well as insert /usr/local/bin in everybodies Path without worrying about what files I may have missed. Somewhere, just recently, I think I saw a thread where people where against the idea, because it was incompatable with the rest of Unix. I strongly disagree. If it is really that important, it should be easy to enable/disable the mechanism as required.