On Mon, 1 Feb 1999, John Goerzen wrote:
> The solution that I have come up with is to create a special directory in
> its /usr/lib area:
> drwxrwx--- listar.daemon restricted-executables/
> Then, in there, have the binary:
> -rwsrwsr-x listar.listar listar
> How does that sound to everyone?  This achieves appropriate security (only
> executable by MTAs [technically, the daemon group]) but still stuid and
> stgid appropriately.  The downside is that the 4.9 doctrine is that people
> should be given read access as much as possible, but that isn't really
> possible here.  The world-readable and -executable bits on the binary don't
> make a different to others; they can't even get to that area.

That solution works well for me.

Although I'd call it /usr/lib/listar, probably.  (Did we dump
/usr/libexec?  Oh well, I'm sure there was a reason..).

I wouldn't have those +ws in place, though, unless they're necessary.


IMHO, this is the wrong solution, but it's a fundamental problem.  The
security model I'd prefer would involve listar running as a daemon
continually, and giving it a secure way of telling that incoming requests
(on some unix-domain sockets) came from authorised systems.  Probably
using a large number of key-pairs.  This is definitely another problem for
another day, though.

|  Jelibean aka  | [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |  6 Evelyn Rd            |
|  Jules aka     | [EMAIL PROTECTED]              |  Richmond, Surrey   |
|  Julian Bean   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]        |  TW9 2TF *UK*       |
|  War doesn't demonstrate who's right... just who's left.             |
|  When privacy is outlawed... only the outlaws have privacy.          |

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