"Vincent" == Vincent Renardias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Vincent> For the sake of compatibily with what?  No other Linux
Vincent> currently uses it or plans to; As for the other Unix systems;

Hm, I thought it was our long-term goal all along to comply with the
FHS.  The question here is whether the Linux dists are so stuck in
their ways that the FHS should drop this particular requirement.
I didn't think Debian was.

Vincent> of the other Unixen boxes summed up

Linux can and should follow conventions when they have technical merit
(arguable in this case).

Vincent> gratuitous policy change just 'because some others are doing
Vincent> so' and I hope we won't start now.

Unfortunately this is only the beginning -- one of many little issues
the members of the LSB have to agree on to ensure compatibility.

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/ /__| | | | | |_| |>  <      Yes, I'm Linus, and I am your God.     mm   mm
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