>>"Alexander" == Alexander N Benner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 Alexander> Sorry for just popping in without having followed the thred.

        Please, at least do us the courtesy of at least following what
 is going on.

 Alexander> Ship's Log, Lt. Manoj Srivastava, Stardate 190199.1254:
 >> I do agree with you, though. I think we should strongly urge
 >> non-Debian sources of .deb packages to use /opt as described in the
 >> FHS. 

 Alexander> Please not. I don't see any good it would do, and I realy
 Alexander> have no need to search an other tree for a program or
 Alexander> whatever.

        Have you actually looked at why the FHS has been proposing
 /opt? Do you have any solution for name space pollution issues? Have
 you considered if there is any mechanism for third party or add on
 packages not to be clobbered over by system upgrades? 

 Alexander> I sometimes talk with non-Linux user and on one thing I
 Alexander> have to (partially) agree. It's sometimes hard to find
 Alexander> something.

        Invest in setting path variables and looking at command -v or
 type -a or which or something. If you look at the FHS proposal you
 shall see it is not hard to write a script that ran through dirs and
 told you exactly where things were stashed. 

 Alexander> We could also do a /main, /contrib, /non-free and /non-US
 Alexander> and then there would be the subdirectories admin, .....
 >> /sarcasm>

        You, sir, have no clue. Are these directories you propose a
 part of the FHS? or are you just venting off the top here?


 Behind every successful man you'll find a woman with nothing to wear.
Manoj Srivastava     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    <http://www.golden-gryphon.com/>
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