I wrote:

> I don't see the need for this. On the contrary it may create problems as
> packages *move* from non-free to free (like KDE will, maybe, have done)
> and that would create inconsistencies which we shouls avoid at all costs!

Raul Miller asks:

> What inconsistencies?

I like to believe that packages get changed from "non-free" to "free"
occasionally.  This is the case, for example, for the hugs package, soon.

If all packages that "Suggests:" hugs should explicitly name
"non-free/hugs" then they will have to change when hugs moves.

This is very bad and bound to create inconsistencies.

Technically: The advantage of a flat name space is that it scales well!


Kristoffer Høgsbro Rose, phd, prof.associé  <http://www.ens-lyon.fr/~krisrose>
addr: LIP, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, 46 Allée d'Italie, F-69364 Lyon 7
phone: +33(0)4 7272 8642, fax +33(0)4 7272 8080  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
pgp f-p: A4D3 5BD7 3EC5 7CA2  924E D21D 126B B8E0  <[EMAIL PROTECTED],tug}.org>

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