Hi there...

What about people who are not debian developers but who want to make local
debian packages? (forexample: admin folx who want to document/package THEIR
policy w/o being tied to debian policy: we all KNOW that these will/do exist)

(Note in general: I think some debian practices go against the grain of
allowing admins to do their jobs freely. However, I also think that debian
is making progress in this area. I will add support for this statement
in future emails, but for now, it is simply my own vague opinion :)

My contention (unofficial of course) is that these folks will not want to read
a "legal" document; they want a howto-get-it-done-NOW-or-YESTERDAY :)

Manoj: OfCourse, if your proposal doesn't affect the content of the doc, then
all might be well.

If the packaging manual carries policy weight, then is it too heavy for such
a situation?


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