On Wed, Dec 09, 1998 at 08:21:31PM +0100, J.H.M. Dassen Ray" wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 09, 1998 at 17:29:24 +0100, Michael Meskes wrote:
> > Could anyone please tell me why Galen is still listed as egcc mainatiner?
> Because he is still the EGCS maintainer.
> > There were a lot of uploads by other people and the version number doesn't
> > look like an NMU either.
> That's because "Galen Hazelwood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" is shared by the
> EGCS maintainers, currently: Galen, Matthias Klose and me.
> Maybe we should use something like 
> "Compiler maintenance group <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>", but I'm not sure if
> policy has been modified to allow more than one maintainer per package.

If it hasn't been, I will hereby re-request that it be changed. 
Maintainer groups, especially for packages with high platform specific
content, are a real lifesaver.


/--------------------------------\  /--------------------------------\
|       Daniel Jacobowitz        |__|     CMU, CS class of 2002      |
|   Debian GNU/Linux Developer    __   Part-Time Systems Programmer  |
|         [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |  |        [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |
\--------------------------------/  \--------------------------------/

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