Package: debian-policy
Version: after slink release
Severity: wishlist

In base-files, I have recently moved the four licenses in /usr/doc/copyright/*
to /usr/share/common-licenses, creating compatibility symlinks at the
same time (i.e. from old to new locations).

Since these files are mentioned in the policy somewhere ("do not include
the entire GPL in the copyright file, instead say that it is available in
/usr/XXX"), the policy will have to be reworded some day to reflect new

But since policy has not changed yet, I would recommend everybody *not* to
change any copyright file regarding this yet, and only start doing it
when the policy is changed after slink release.

This way, if somebody uses hamm and install a few packages from slink, the
copyright file for the new package, if it mentions the GPL, will still say
the "truth" about the location of GPL and friends, and the user will not
need to upgrade the base-files package to be "consistent".


 "bca2152dcec640f2db12b78747b2e81e" (a truly random sig)

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