On 19 Sep 1998, Karl M. Hegbloom wrote:

> >>>>> "Santiago" == Santiago Vila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Santiago> On Mon, 14 Sep 1998, Zed Pobre wrote:
>     >> + this string is reserved for the GNU Hurd operating system.
>     Santiago>                                     GNU/Hurd
>     Santiago> [ I think everyone will agree on this ].
>  Yes...
>  Why "gnu" rather than "hurd" though?

"GNU" is the name of the "complete operating system", Hurd is just the
name of the kernel. I know, you may choose to name operating systems by
its kernels, but in this context (a document which started being a
Linux-only document), it is better to name it by using the GNU word than
not using it, so that people will not think it is something completely

 "1464fc282da26db6dd22aaf3d3056c0e" (a truly random sig)

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