Hi, >>"Charles" == Charles Briscoe-Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Charles> "Non-software"? Data is software, isn't it? Not as the term is commonly used. >From The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (15Feb98) (foldoc) software <programming> Computer {programs}, as opposed to the computers on which they run (the "{hardware}"). Programs stored on {non-volatile storage} built from {integrated circuits} (e.g. {ROM} or {PROM}) are usually called {firmware}. Software can be split into two main types - {system software} and application software or {application programs}. System software is any software required to support the production or execution of application programs but which is not specific to any particular application. Examples of system software would include the {operating system}, {compilers}, editors and sorting programs. Examples of application programs would include an accounts package or a {CAD} program. Software includes both {source code} written by humans and executable {machine code} produced by {assemblers} or {compilers}. It does not usually include the data processed by programs unless this is in a format such as {multimedia} which depends on the use of computers for its presentation. Charles> Aren't ideas software? Not unless you stretcxh the definition enough that you and I are both also software, and I definitely do not give people with scalpels the right to modify me. Charles> I don't yet have a firm opinion on this issue. I think Charles> mutability is good, for any document, even a document Charles> expressing a standard. After all, what happens if the Charles> original author of a standard goes away? You ask the author, if available, and the people who were involved in the creation, or the standards body under whose aegis it all happened. There is also the reality that all standards (ISO/ANSI, IEEE, [eg< POSIX, C, C++], FHS, FSSTND, etc, are all immutable. We are not here to figure out what the best license is, but what licenses are acceptable. Charles> On the other hand, a standard could be considered the Charles> technical opinion of the entity who published it. If that Charles> entity is well-enough respected and/or the opinion widely Charles> regarded as a Good Thing, then technical opinion becomes, de Charles> facto, standard. This is only part of the story. Standards bodies like ISO and ANSI meet to produce standards; people commit before the fact to accept the standards. These are not merely technical opinions that become standards. Charles> Looked at this way, modified versions of the standard would Charles> be detrimental if widely distributed, or insufficiently Charles> clearly marked as a modified version of the standard. >> A Standards document >> Technical Opinion Charles> I don't think there is really any objective difference Charles> between these two groups. A standard is simply a technical Charles> opinion which the community at large considers to be a Charles> standard. Yes, there is. An opinion is not a standard. Some opinion documents may be complete enough to be standards. And standards, because of the larger impact, may need to be considered separately. My technical opinion is that Schilds annotated C reference books is too full of inaccuracies and bugs to be useful, it is even harmful. This is an opinion (albeit less complete than if it were standalone); it can't be a standard. Charles> To elaborate: how would you define the word 'binding' as you Charles> used it above? I think you'd have to define it in terms of Charles> the expectations of the community at large. There is no law Charles> to stop me from implementing an SMTP which does not meet the Charles> RFC's definition, and I can do so, so it is not 'binding' in Charles> either a legal or an absolute sense. However, the community Charles> will not accept my implementation, so the RFC is 'binding' Charles> in that sense. You implementation would fail to work, if it diverged enough. If other SMTP serversfail to understand you, and do not accept or send mail to you, you have failed. To an extent the RFC is binding, since failuer to follow that results in an implementation that does not work as expected, or at all. Charles> Thus, I think the line between a technical opinion and a standard is, Charles> at best, very fuzzy. I think it is defined stronger than you represent. Like pornography, I know one when I see one. >> Works of fiction Charles> What about works of fiction which are not static, but which Charles> are interactive? (We already have a few of these packaged.) Games? Software programs? Or are you saying we need another category? Charles> Some interactive fictions are expressed as a program written Charles> for a 'safe' virtual machine (the actual VMs are not quite Charles> 'safe', so this is hypothetical). It could be argued that, Charles> if these are not capable of interacting with the real Charles> machine (except for interaction with the user), they are Charles> effectively data, and not 'real' programs at all, and as Charles> such should be treated just like works of static fiction. I think that is stretching it. Charles> Hmm. How do we distinguish between program and data? Charles> Perhaps we use the definition that, IIRC, some judge used Charles> (according to slashdot); that of whether it is a 'functional Charles> device'. If the software can (instruct a computer to) Charles> perform a real-world function, it is a program, otherwise it Charles> is data. Do we really need define it at such levels? If I create a C interpreter, does your C code become data? So there are really no java programs, they are all data? Charles> No, I know, this isn't really very well thought-out yet. Just my Charles> (half-baked) opinion... It would all be very interesting if I were not trying to get some kind of a consensus on how we handle these documents, without it all dying in clever arguments ;-) And these are indeed clever arguments. But, I hope, you are not serious enough about them that they need all be resolved before we can agree (as Marcus said, we have to resort to common sense at some level of detail). However, if you feel strongly about this, say so, and let us see if we can reach a compromise (hopeully before the document reaches a hundred pages) manoj -- Prejudice: A vagrant opinion without visible means of support. Ambrose Bierce Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/> Key C7261095 fingerprint = CB D9 F4 12 68 07 E4 05 CC 2D 27 12 1D F5 E8 6E