[please direct followups appropriately, this digression doesn't really 
 belong on -policy]

On Sun, May 31, 1998 at 09:26:38PM -0700, Karl M. Hegbloom wrote:
> >>>>> "Anthony" == Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> writes:
>     Anthony> (as it stands, things like `dpkg --search /etc/passwd'
>     Anthony> results in `dpkg: /etc/passwd not found.' Personally I
>     Anthony> consider this alone a little disconcerting)
>  ... and it takes forever and a day of disk ggzztting to give you the
>  result too.  I will be glad when the contents of some future and
>  quick database have been worked out, and that database gets built.
>  `dpkg' could be as fast as `rpm' then.

I'm personally against moving towards a heavily optimised databasey
format, for the simple reason that I like being able to get at stuff
with less and grep.

There are a couple of things which might be worth considering though.
In particular, I suspect pre-sorting [0] all the .list and .conffiles,
and using a binary-search for dpkg --search (and probably a different
data structure when doing other operations (a binary tree, built to be
balanced, with additions as necessary, perhaps?)) would go a fair way to
tidying it up. I suspect splitting dpkg/info into subdirectories would
do some good to.

Has anything along these lines already been done in the experimental
dpkg, btw?


[0] Either by having a flag on the dpkg/info database that indicates
    whether it's sorted [a version number?], or by doing it "manually"
    in the pre/postinst, or some other way. I have no idea of the
    complexities involved in using dpkg to upgrade itself in an only
    semi-backwards compatable way.

Anthony Towns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
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