On Mon, Apr 06, 1998 at 12:37:52PM -0800, Ben Gertzfield wrote:

> Basically, GIMP plugins can easily be provided by other non-gimp
> packages (and are, in SANE) but there is currently no policy
> for doing so.
> Plug-ins currently go into /usr/lib/gimp/0.99/ -- I'm assuming this
> will change to 1.0 when 1.0 is released.

Are the plugins dependend on a particular version of gimp?  If
not no version should be mentioned in the path.  If so why not
enable a special directory /usr/lib/gimp/plugins?

> Is it kosher to just have any package dump a plug-in into this
> directory?

Why not?  



  / Martin Schulze  *  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  *  26129 Oldenburg /
 /                                     http://home.pages.de/~joey/
/  Never trust an operating system you don't have source for!   /

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