>>"Santiago" == Santiago Vila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Santiago> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- On 6 Mar 1998, Manoj
Santiago> Srivastava wrote:

Herbert> Yes but unless you actually require any non-POSIX features,
Herbert> you should use /bin/sh (this is specified by the policy). And
Herbert> currently I don't see anything like that in your scripts.
>>  Where? I do not see this in
>> policy.
>> The standard shell interpreter ``/bin/sh'' may be a symbolic link
>> to any POSIX compatible shell. Thus, shell scripts specifying
>> ``/bin/sh'' as interpreter may only use POSIX features. If a script
>> requires non-POSIX features from the shell interpreter, the
>> appropriate shell has to be specified in the first line of the
>> script (e.g., ``#!/bin/bash'') and the package has to depend on the
>> package providing the shell (unless the shell package is marked
>> `Essential', e.g., in the case of bash).
>> Restrict your script to POSIX features when possible so that it may
>> use `/bin/sh' as its interpreter. If your script works with ash,
>> it's probably POSIX compliant, but if you are in doubt, use
>> `/bin/bash'.
>> ______________________________________________________________________
>> Where does it say I *have* to use /bin/sh? It tells me to stick to
>> POSIX features so it _could_ be used with /bin/sh. Nothing says I
>> have to use /bin/sh.

Santiago> As far as I know, "Restrict" in the above paragraph is a
Santiago> verb in imperative form.

        "Restrict" ... "when possible". 

Santiago> There is no point in trying to make a script POSIX compliant
Santiago> "so that it may use `/bin/sh' as its interpreter" if you do
Santiago> not end up actually setting /bin/sh as its interpreter when
Santiago> it is possible to do so.


Santiago> I think the policy is very clear about this, since it says
Santiago> at the very beginning: "The *standard* shell interpreter
Santiago> ``/bin/sh'' ..."

        All that says is that most shell scripts use /bin/sh as the
 command shell. In other words, on most unices. /bin/sh is the
 commonly used bourne shell.

Santiago> This means /bin/sh is the rule and /bin/bash should be the
Santiago> exception.

        Nope. Non as I see it. You are extrapolating from your
 interpretation of why /bin/sh is standard.

Santiago> The policy also says when you have to use the exception:
Santiago> Only when the script uses non-POSIX features.

        All the policy is saying is: /bin/sh can be any of a number of
 shells, so *DO NOT USE* /bin/sh unless you are sure that you
 only use POSIX features. Use /bin/bash if in any doubt at all.

        The policy is trying to prevent everyone from using /bin/sh
 even when they use features specific to a particular implementation

        POLICY is restricting the use of /bin/sh, rahter than
 promoting it!

Santiago> It is true that policy says "in doubt, use /bin/bash", but
Santiago> if somebody tells you it works with ash, I think you should
Santiago> believe him at least.

        Why? Why does another person know more about the future of a
 script than the author? What makes them more right than me,

        The code is not done yet. When I deem it finished, and if it
 still does not use bashisms, I shall think about changing it.

>> I have no idea why you are on this crusade; but leave my packages
>> out of the /bin/sh politics. Or change policy.

Santiago> The policy have already been changed to encourage /bin/sh
Santiago> over /bin/bash.

        I think this is not the case. My interpretation of policy is
 directly opposite yours.

        Anyway, bash is essential, /bin/bash shall always be there,
 using /bin/bash shall never cause any problems, using /bin/sh is just
 waiting for a problem to occur, if /bin/sh is changed to another
 shell which is incompatible.

        My interpretation of policy minimizes potential points of
 failure. Yours does not. 


 "You show me an American who can keep his mouth shut and I'll eat
 him." Newspaperman from Frank Capra's _Meet_John_Doe_
Manoj Srivastava  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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