I propose the following policy:

No package shall create without approval any command name (or
corresponding manpage):

1. not matching the regexp ^[a-z0-9]..
2. matching ^... if it creates more than two such
3. matching [^-+._,a-z0-9], or
4. which is a single common dictionary word

or any directory directly in /, /usr or /var.

Approval will not normally be granted except for the use of capital
letters where there appear in an upstream package command name.

The fact that an upstream package uses a short or otherwise poor
command name or placement will not in itself be a justification for
using that name in Debian (nor will reasining derived from purely that
fact, such as that users will be `expecting' the short name).

A sound technical reason for the shortness of the command may be
considered relevant.


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