On Tue, Feb 10, 1998 at 12:40:17AM -0600, Rob Browning wrote:
> >     Of course, a better solution would be something akin to
> >     suidmanager -- those packages that need it would use it,
> >     less important, non-critical, wouldn't.
> Actually, thinking about it, since we have strict rules about default
> permissions and ownership, packages could just contain a list of all
> the files with non-standard permissions/ownership.  This would be
> quite efficient and would make it easy to write tools that check your
> system to see if you've accidentally clobbered something.

        I like that. That and a method to override things locally
        (I like my ssh un-suid, unlike it has been by default) and
        that would be good. In fact, if one would store the
        checksums & default modes & local overrides & checker program
        on ro media, it would be quite close to tripwire. Debian CD
        would be a good ro media, just put local overrides on a 
        write-protected floppy..
        BTW, I hope lintian will check that all the suid files are
             registered with suidmanager..
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