[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Christian Schwarz)  wrote on 02.02.98 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> What do you think of the following policy for maintainer fields:
> ---cut-here-----------------------------------------------------------------
> Each maintainer gets a (within the Debian project) unique `maintainer
> name' (MN). Usually, this will be the full name of the person. If two
> persons should have the same name, at least one of them has to add his/her
> nick name to the MN to make it unique.

Some people don't have/use nick names.

> The email addresses in the `Maintainer:' fields need not be the
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]' address of the maintainer. However, the maintainer has to
> make sure that mail sent to his [EMAIL PROTECTED]' address is forwarded to 
> him.
> [The last sentence is completely new: Currently, a few people don't have a
> working forward file on master or don't check their mail box there.]

Make that "... reaches him". Reading it in place is a way to insure that,  
but it doesn't involve forwarding.

> Usually, a package has exactly _one_ maintainer.
> Only in rare situations, a package will be allowed to have several
> maintainers. This is a special policy exception for a single package and
> that exception has to be approved by a discussion on debian-devel. The
> `Maintainer:' field of such a package would have to use the following
> format:

Looks like too much bureaucracy to me.

> With all this, the new `Developer DB' will store the MN's for each
> maintainer--but not the email address. The mapping package->maintainer can
> then be done simply by comparing the text in front of `<[EMAIL PROTECTED]'> to
> the records in the DB.

Doesn't everyone in the DB have an account on master? Those accounts are,  
by their very nature, unique. Can we find a way to use those, apart from  
the @debian.org address?

MfG Kai

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