[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Yann Dirson)  wrote on 28.01.98 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Ben Pfaff writes:
>  >     - change the current DB schema to be able to store different
>  >       "Maintainer:" email addresses for each person
>  >
>  > This is the best solution IMHO.  It is more flexible and doesn't force
>  > adoption of a single e-mail address.
> It seems solution #3 (registering full name, not email address)
> doesn't force it either.  I think it would be better.  Probably
> solution #1 (the one you advocate) will just make the DB bigger, not
> gaining much.

Well, until you get a case of two people with the same full name. Sooner  
or later, it will happen.

>  >  Although I myself only use a
>  > single address, I respect the reasons of people, such as Ian Jackson,
>  > who use multiple addresses to filter e-mail.
> So do I.

Hmm. I do use multiple addresses, much like Ian said he does. I haven't  
yet found a reason to use different maintainer addresses.

Well, maybe if I ever get a hugely popular package that everyone wants to  
talk to me about.

Anyway, as long as using multiple addresses serves a useful purpose  
(according to whoever does it), I suppose we should support it. For cases  
where there is no system behind it, however, it probably still should not  
be done. But I don't know a good way to word that for policy.

MfG Kai

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