Luis Francisco Gonzalez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> could someone explain to me again why only source updates can close
> bug reports?

Because otherwise architecture-only uploads are going to try either
close already closed bugs or, worse, close reopened bugs.

e.g.  Package foo 1.1-2 is released as (source i386) and it closes bug
#19000.  The reporter of #19000 doesn't feel the bug has been dealt
with and reopens the bug.  I come along and recompile foo 1.1-2 for
m68k and upload it.  If non-source uploads automagically close bugs,
#19000 gets closed again.  This is obviously Bad.

> Does this mean that bugs closed with non-source uploads have to
> closed "by hand" or that they can't be closed at all?

By hand.


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