
        I'm non-maintaining wmaker until the rightful maintainer comes
back from afterlife (aka, finals and such). I've introduced some bugs of
my own (#17014) which I have fixed, and I'd like to close, because it has
nothing to do with Neil's work (Neil's the maintainer, BTW). In the not
yet submitted Debian changelog I have: 

wmaker (0.12.3-0.5) unstable; urgency=low, closes=17014 16919 17359 17336 17392

  * Fixed menu entry and handling of menu file. Many many thanks Joey!
    (closes: bug#17014)
  * Fixes a stupid typo in libwmaker0 postinst (closes: bug#16919
    bug#17359 bug#17335 bug#17392)
  * libwmaker0-dev, which now replaces wmlib-dev, doesn't have a typo
    in depends (fixes: bug#16666) 

I have merged all the bugs in the second entry. I guess I should close
just one of them, 16919. Please note that I'm not closing 16666, since I'm
trying to be consistent with approved policy. 

In recent mail, Christian Schwarz (cf. debian-policy "RFC: New bug
severity level 'fixed'" and "Results from Policy Weekly #5") has proposed
a new severity "fixed". That's what I'm doing in the case of #16666
(should ", fixes=16666" be added to the first line in the changelog?). 
Also, the approved policy states that a NM should not close bugs. But what
if the bugs are only related to the NMR as in this case?



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