[This mail is part of Debian Policy Weekly issue #5]

Topic 9: Non-interactive build process of packages


Some packages require user-interaction during the build process, i.e., when
running a `dpkg-buildpackage' on the source. This makes it hard for someone
other than the usual maintainer to compile the package (for example, for
maintainers porting the package to other architectures) and makes
auto-compiling the package impossible.

The Packaging Manual already contains the following statement:

  3.2.1 debian/rules - the main building script


  The targets which are required to be present are:

      This should perform all non-interactive configuration and compilation of 
      package. If a package has an interactive pre-build configuration routine, 
      Debianised source package should be built after this has taken place, so 
      it can be built without rerunning the configuration.


Current (unwritten) policy is to require that all other targets of
debian/rules are also non-interactive.

Unless someone objects, the text in the Packaging Manual will be fixed to
document this.


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