short term solution

my solution (two virtual names) is meant to be a short term solution.
all i want is, to inform you and to give you the possibility to offer me
a better short term solution.

long term solution

anything that needs a policy discussion/finding or a political
discussion or a change in dpkg* is a long term thing. i will be happy to
switch when the time comes.

general solution

kde is the first and currently the only case with this problem. i agree
that we should try to find and implement a general solution. i will be
happy to use it.

policy status and current situation

currently both, kde and we, use the same package names and use the
virtual names to provide and conflict.

kde is the first and only case with this problem.  the current case was
never discussed before, so i do not consider the policy authorative.
as maintainer my decission is authorative. 

i will be happy to switch as soon as a longt term or general solution is


the kde version is available. ours not, as we have problems with
incoming and guy is unavaile and has no backup.

i want to provide an easy and failsafe way to switch to the debian
version, which is of course better, as i (try to) implement debian
quality. relying on others to do the correct Conflicts: is not an
option, as both sides will suffer in reputation, if things don't work.

asking others to change their package names, is also not an option.
if the package names are the problem, i should better change my own
names, rather than asking others to do so. 

political discussion

whether or not cooperate with kde, or do evil things like talk to them
is not subject of this mail. go to debian-private, if you want to do
this. i respect our current goals, and the needs of our users very high
priority. the current suggestions don't reflect this goal.

> You can't say whether a political standpoint is `good' or `bad'. But this
> isn't the problem anyways. The problem is, which solution fits to our
> project goals.

project goals need long discussions. i need a solution now, and
everything you showed didn't impress me. i will obey any decission,
that will be done.



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