I would like to commend the below post as being the only one so far to
adopt a peaceful tone.  The other responses I've seen are vicious.  As for
just ignoring Dave's posts, as someone proposed after bashing Dave again,
it's too late for that folks.  The feedeing frezy has already happened.

Although your original public complaint was certainly inflammatory, you
were the first one to be insulted personnaly on the debian-user list.  I
think you got pretty defensive after that, which is hardly suprising. 
some of what you said made sense to me at least, and I think you had the
good of the project at heart for all of it.  I can't credit your dislike
of Bruce, since I don't know much about the situation and can really only
judge Bruce by what he has helped to produce, which we all like.  I would
hate to see you give up on Debian.  Though it is perhaps unlikely now, I
still hope to see reconcilliation of one sort or another delete this ugly
and in my experience unique blot on the Debian project. 

On Sun, 26 Oct 1997, Civ Kevin F. Havener wrote:

> Dave,
> I can appreciate the fact that you don't like Bruce's handling of the 
> project.  I do like the job that Bruce is doing, however.  I'll stick 
> with Bruce until the normal time for succession comes, and probably even 
> after that.
> But please, by all means continue with your plan to release an alternate 
> distribution.  It should be an interesting product.
> --
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